This kit teaches about structures and how to build them! Participants can explore the idea of building structures in multiples ways through a variety of materials.
This kit includes:
Activity Binder
- Introduction/Instructions
- Introduction/Book list
- Inventory Sheet
- Pictures of trunk organization
- Kapla Block Building Activity Guide
- Cup Construction Activity Guide
- Skeleton Frame Built out of Straws Activity Guide
- Building a Skyscraper with Discs and Rods Activity Guide
- Consumable and Restocking List
- Supplemental reading for the facilitator
- Parent surveys
- 4 laminated activity sheets
- A City Through Time by Philip Steele
- Angelo by David Macaulay
- Block City by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Building a House by Byron Barton
- Dreaming Up: A Celebration of Building by Christy Hale
- How a House is Built by Gail Gibbons
- If You Lived Here: Houses of the World by Giles Laroche
- Leonardo and the Flying Boy by Laurence Anholt
- Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Burton
- Sky Boys: How they Built the Empire State Building by Deborah Hopkinson
- The Three Little Pigs by Paul Galdone
- This House is Made of Mud by Ken Buchanan
Kapla Block Building
- Kapla blocks
- Kapla block pictures
Building a Skyscraper with Discs and Rods
- 2-inch length pool noodles
- 4-inch length pool noodles
- 6-inch length pool noodles
- Skewers of various lengths
Skeleton Frame Built out of Straws
- 6-inch straws
- 8-inch straws
- Small and large paper clips
Cup Construction
- 2 oz. plastic cups
- 9 oz. plastic cups
- 12 oz. plastic cups
To Be Provided by Borrowing Library*
- 2, 9, and 12 oz. plastic cups
- Sturdy plastic straws cut to 6 in and 8 in lengths
- Plastic coated paper clips
- Pool noodles cut into 2 in, 4 in, and 6 in lengths
- Skewers cut into 4 in, 6 in, and 8 in lengths
*Some of these materials are provided in the kit but may be recommended to purchase as they will not be restocked by NMSL in the future.
Please see the attached user manual for larger images, manuals, and inventory.
Each trunk contains an activity binder as well as activity materials. Some materials will be up to you to provide but most of the materials have been included; please read through the activity binder and user guide to determine which materials you’ll need to provide.
Also included in the activity binder is a complete inventory of the activity trunk.
Please verify inventory is correct when you return the trunk and sign and date the inventory. If any materials are missing, please notify us as soon as possible, and make note of it on the inventory.
There are also parent/caregiver surveys we would like you to provide after each program using the trunk. Please make additional copies as needed.
Your completed inventory and any completed surveys should be placed inside the trunk and returned with the trunk to the New Mexico State Library.