Explore the garden with this kit. Complete with activities for both the artist and observer, this kit comes with multiple ways to explore the world of plants.
This kit includes:
Activity Binder
- Librarian Instructions
- Inventory Sheet
- Book list/Introduction
- Sorting Seeds Activity
- Looking Up Close: Plants Activity
- Plant Art: Rubbings Activity
- Prompts
- Additional Resources
- Consumables List
- Extension Activity Ideas
- Science Process Skills Vocabulary
- Asking Questions
- The Art (and Science) of Asking Questions
- Seeds in the Window, Soil in the Sensory Table: Science Educations through Gardening and Nature-Based Play
- Mud, Marvelous Mud
- Childhood in the Garden: A Place to Encounter Natural and Social Diversity
- 3 laminated sheets
- Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson
- A Seed is Sleepy by Dianna Aston
- Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens
- Flip, Float, Fly: Seeds on the Move by JoAnn Early Macken
- Seeds (Plant Parts) by Vijaya Khisty Bodach
- Flowers (Plant Parts) by Vijaya Khisty Bodach
- The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
- Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann
- Exploring Leaves by Kristin Sterling
- Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert
- We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt by Steve Metzger
Sorting Seeds
- Sorting trays
- Variety of seeds
- Looking Up Close: Plants
- Prepared slides
- Various containers of pressed flowers and plants
- Hand loupe magnifiers
- Zoom microscopes
- Hand lenses
- Petri dishes
- Laminated plant diagram
- Set of commercial crops mounted (DO NOT OPEN)
- Lifecycle of a green bean plant model
Plant Art: Rubbings
- Aspen leaf replica
- Manzanita leaf replica
- Sugar maple leaf replica
- Red oak leaf replica
- Giant sequoia leaf replica
- Fern leaf replica
- Rubbing template
To Be Provided by Borrowing Library*
- Copy paper
- Jumbo Crayons
- Additional seeds
- Additional pressed plants
* Some of these materials are provided in the kit but may be recommended to purchase as they will not be restocked by NMSL in the future.
Please see the attached user manual for larger images, manuals, and inventory.
Each trunk contains an activity binder as well as activity materials. Some materials will be up to you to provide but most of the materials have been included; please read through the activity binder and user guide to determine which materials you’ll need to provide.
Also included in the activity binder is a complete inventory of the activity trunk.
Please verify inventory is correct when you return the trunk and sign and date the inventory. If any materials are missing, please notify us as soon as possible, and make note of it on the inventory.
Your completed inventory should be placed inside the trunk and returned with the trunk to the New Mexico State Library.