Learn about 2D and 3D shapes in this kit! Investigate the properties of different shapes by rolling them around, building with them, and stamping them in ink.
This kit includes:
Activity Binder
- Librarian Instructions
- Inventory Sheet
- Book list/Introduction
- Rolling Around
- Strength of Shapes
- Stamp it Out
- More Geometry Resources
- Consumable and Restocking List
- Extension Activity Ideas
- Deconstructing Shapes
- Glossary
- CREATE acronym
- Science Process Skills
- Helping Your Child See and Show Mathematical Ideas
- Making Math Meaningful for Young Children
- Counting on Caps for Sale
- One, Two, Buckle My Shoe: Understanding Number Development in Young Children
- Strength of Shapes Activity cut outs
- Parent surveys
- 3 laminated sheets
- Triangle by Mac Barnett
- Square by Mac Barnett
- Circle by Mac Barnett
- Shapes, Shapes, Shapes by Tana Hoban
- Block City by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Daniel Kirk
- Grandpa’s Quilt by Betsy Franco
- Color Farm by Lois Ehlert
- Bees, Snails & Peacock Tails: Patterns & Shapes… Naturally by Betsy Franco
- Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, & Spheres by Tana Hoban
- Round is a Tortilla: A Book of Shapes by Roseanne Thong
- Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh
3D Shapes
- Various wooden blocks
- Alphabet blocks
- Golf balls
- Plastic cylinders with holes
- Mini traffic cones
- Party hats
- Various plastic shapes
- Recycled cylinders
- Varied spheres
- Plastic cylinders with holes
Other Activity Items
- Circle cutter
- Large ink pads
- Particle board ramps (outside of trunk)
- Plastic table covering
To Be Provided by Borrowing Library*
- Paper tubes
- Bubble wrap
- Sandpaper
- Masking tape
- 90 lb (or thicker) cardstock paper
- Wet wipes
- Additional shapes (optional)
- 6x6 foam core board squares
*Some of these materials are provided in the kit but may be recommended to purchase as they will not be restocked by NMSL in the future.
Please see the attached user manual for larger images, manuals, and inventory.
Each trunk contains an activity binder as well as activity materials. Some materials will be up to you to provide but most of the materials have been included; please read through the activity binder and user guide to determine which materials you’ll need to provide.
Also included in the activity binder is a complete inventory of the activity trunk.
Please verify inventory is correct when you return the trunk and sign and date the inventory. If any materials are missing, please notify us as soon as possible, and make note of it on the inventory.
There are also parent/caregiver surveys we would like you to provide after each program using the trunk. Please make additional copies as needed.
Your completed inventory and any completed surveys should be placed inside the trunk and returned with the trunk to the New Mexico State Library.