Emma is a curious girl. She likes to explore and learn. And she does it right in her neighborhood, very close to her home. Her curiosity takes her to venture into the world of bees: their magic, their mystery, and the delicate natural balance that is necessary for them to continue to fulfill their role in the ecosystem. The ecosystem of Emma, her neighborhood and everyone.
A story that brings us closer to a world full of color, music and silence. A place that invites thoughtful contemplation where, if we close our eyes, we can hear the subtle sound of honeycombs, the scent of wild flowers and the sweetness of honey.
Ema es una niña curiosa. Le gusta explorar y aprender. ¿Dónde explora? En su barrio, bien cerca de su casa. Sus exploraciones la llevan a conocer el mundo de las abejas: su magia, su misterio, y el delicado equilibrio natural que es necesario para que sigan cumpliendo su papel en el ecosistema. El ecosistema de Ema, de su barrio y de todos.
Una historia que nos acerca a un mundo lleno de color, de música, de silencios. Un lugar que invita a la contemplación reflexiva. Un lugar en el que, si cerramos los ojos, podemos oír el sonido sutil de los panales, el aroma a flores silvestres y la dulzura de la miel.
This story contains 16 foam board pages 24x18 inches in size. This booking is only for the story, two sets of outdoor and indoor easels are also available for check out separately. We recommend confirming stand availability before checking out your story. Click here to book indoor easels or click here to book outdoor stands.