Olivia has it made. She can play all day, every day, anytime, or anywhere. Her imagination knows no bounds and no worries plague her—until she spies a strange ticking contraption. What is it? What does it do? She straps it on and finds herself face to face with Time. Time revels in its newfound freedom and drags protesting Olivia in its wake. She is no longer in charge of her seconds, minutes, or hours—the genie of the wristwatch is the boss. She just wants to play in her own way at her own pace. Olivia decides to unstrap the watch, allowing herself to be free. Time is invited to come along for some freestyle fun, not as a dictator but as a friend.
Olivia, una niña sin preocupaciones y sin apuros, se encuentra un reloj. Y a través del reloj conocerá el Tiempo. Su nuevo amigo la llevará por una montaña rusa de actividades, a una velocidad vertiginosa. ¡No hay tiempo que perder!, dice. Olivia tendrá que cambiar algunas cosas para recuperar su tiempo y volver a disfrutar sin apuros.
This story contains 16 foam board pages 24x18 inches in size. This booking is only for the story, two sets of outdoor and indoor easels are also available for check out separately. Click here to book indoor easels or click here to book outdoor stands.